A: Hello! Is that Mrs Brody? This is Mark Brown, Geraldine Marsden's administrative assistant at Compusafe.
B: b. Hello, Mark. What can I do for you?
A: Well, unfortunately Mrs Marsden is ill, so she won't be at work for three days.
B: a. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
A: The problem is, she won't be able to make it to the meeting you arranged for tomorrow. Can we reschedule it?
B: b. Certainly. Let's look at the calendar.
A: What date is convenient for you? How about Tuesday, 5th January?
B: a. I won't be available on that day.
A: I see. Mrs Marsden will also be free on Wednesday, 6th January. Would that suit you?
B: b. I've got a staff meeting in the afternoon, but I'm free in the morning.
A: Great! Will 11 o'clock in the morning be OK?
B: Yes, I'll write it in my diary.
A: Hola! ets la senyora Brody? Soc Mark Brown, assistent administratiu de Geraldine Marsden's a Compusafe.
B: b. Hola, Mark. Que puc fer per tu?
A: Bé, des-afortunadament la senyora Marsden està malalta, llavors no estarà al lloc de treball per tres dies.
B: a. Em sap greu escoltar això.
A: El problema es que ella no podrà atendre la reunió que has organitzat per demà. Podem reorganitzar-la?
B: b. Certament. Mirem el calendari.
A: Quina data es convenient per tú? Que et sembla el Dimarts, 5 de Gener?
B: a. No estarè disponible aquell día.
A: Ja vec. La senyora Marsden estarà lliure el Dimecres, 6 de Gener. Et convé?
B: b. Tinc una reunió de personal a la tarda, però estic lliure pel matí.
A: Genial! Et sembla be a les 11 del matí?
B: Sí, ho anotaré al meu diari.
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