viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2023

Hardware & Peripherals Inventory

 To : William Afton

From : Mark Evans

Dear William,

Our TPS hard drivers are obsolete, we need to order 10 units of the new model. We run out of CPUs, would you please reorder 15 units urgently? Thanks. We're overstocked with sound cards, but we don't have to care about. There are 2 broken heatsinks fans of the 10 we have, but we have enough for now. We are running low on RAM memory, we should order more RAMs next month.

Good bye,

Mark Evans

lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2023

Vocabulary Builder 4


delivery date - data d'entrega

give a discount - fer un descompte

goods - bens  

invoice - factura 

out of stock - sense unitats

payment date - data de pagament

payments - pagaments

price - preu

price per unit - preu per unitat

quality - qualitat

quantity - quantitat

subtotal - subtotal



account - compte

cash - diners

charge it - ingressar

cheque - xec

credit card - targeta de credit

postage and handling - despeses d'enviament i manipulació

shipping - transport


all-in-one - tot en un

built-in - integrat

compact - compacte

complicated - complicat

dependable - 

ergonomic - ergonomic 

flexible - flexible

high-resolution - alta resolució 

portable - portable

powerful - poderos

practical - practic

reliable - fiable

secure - segur

simple - simple

slimline - prim

sturdy - robust

superfast - super rapid

top-of-the-range - lo millor de la gama

user-friendly - amigable pel l'usuari

wide screen - pantalla ampla


accessible - accessible

compatible - compatible

convenient - practic

delivery fee - impost d'entrega

place an order - encarregar una commanda

reduction - reducció 

shortage - escassejar

sophisticated - sofisticat

spare parts - peçes de recambi

special offer - oferta especial

specialised - especialitzat

stocktaking - balanç

supply chain - cadena de suplements

warehouse - magatzem

Unit 10 Vocabulary

E-mailing attachment - adjunt blind carbon copy (Bcc) - copia de carbó oculta carbon copy - copia de carbó e-mail client - client de correu ...